At Schuster Mulching and Clearing, we take pride in accomplishing your specific goals for each project. Combining the best equipment with our extensive knowledge and experience, we are the best fit for your land clearing needs. As land stewards, we deem it our responsibility to assess your goals and provide the best solution for your land management projects. We offer free estimates, so give us a call today to start your land clearing project!
Mulching is a unique land management practice that provides an environmentally and economically friendly approach that produces immediate results. Mulching entails running a hydraulic head to harvest, fell, and mulch vegetation into a fine, controllable organic product, removing the need for any secondary handling of the processed material. Mulching is a great option to achieve a maintenance scenario where one can manage a vegetative state with the least amount of input by utilizing a quality maintenance practice such as shredding, mowing, burning, or chemical application.
Mulching can also be a viable option for your reclamation projects which return the specified land plot to a natural state without introducing non-native or invasive species, allowing the native vegetation to flourish. Examples of reclamation projects include:
Overgrown pastures
Untended/Abandoned Farmland
Unmanaged Regrowth
Projects for mulching services include:
Bird Watching Lanes
Calculated Fells/ Problem Trees
Forestry/ Logging Clean Up
Land Clearing
Utility/ Easement Clearing & maintenance
Right of Way (ROW) Maintenance
Wildlife Habitat Management
Stump Grinding
Storm Clean Up
Pasture Reclamation
Fire Breaks • Backburn Lines • Firestop Lines
Fenceline/ Survey Clearing • New Construction/ Maintenance • High Fence Routing/ Preparation
Commercial/ Residential Lot Clearing • House Pads • Building Sites • Lake Lots
Underbrushing •Cleaning dense overgrown areas of small species while leaving mature, desirable, trees.
Tree Snipping/ Shearing
This process utilizes a large skid steer with a hydraulic tree snip/shear for cutting trees (up to 18”) flush at ground level. The fallen material can then be stacked and burned, allowing the specified plot to be further managed (shredding/mowing/chemical application). It is a great option for rocky environments as well as sites where invasive species are known to reciprocate as a response to management practices, meaning minimal side effects are obtained when used in this type of environment. When a species reciprocates, they are known to come back with aggression via multi-stemmed production and increased resiliency to management. A few examples of very aggressive regrowth species include mesquite, huisache/other acacias, retama, cedar and multiple juniper species.
Grubbing is a meticulous mechanical practice where the individual plant is completely removed from the soil, roots included. It is unique in that no follow up treatment is required for regrowth suppression of the individual plants removed. When grubbing, we utilize skid steers, excavators, or bulldozers with specific attachments to completely uproot the plant from the soil. Species conducive to this practice include but are not limited to Mesquite, Huisache, Cedar/Juniper, Retama, Elm, and Sweet Gum.
Dozer Clearing Services
Dozer services provide another alternative in situations where mulching, snipping, or grubbing may not be the correct application. Dozing projects include the following: